Who Has the Best 12 Month Rate in PECO Philadelphia?

A year-long plan protects you from fluctuating energy prices.
Finding the best plan in PECO Philadelphia
is so easy!

How do you shop for the best Philadelphia electricity plan for your home?

If you’re in the PECO service area of Philadelphia you have a lot of options for plans. There are different monthly terms, fixed and variable rates, termination fees —oh my! We’ve been comparing Philadelphia electricity and have one best suited for an average household: Sperian Energy’s 12-month fixed-rate plan.

Cheapest Rate

Sperian Energy offers lower rates than PECO’ Price to Compare for electricity supply. Power rates are usually based in Killowat-hours (kWh), or the amount of kilowatts you consume in one hour. This is also the cheapest 12-month rate in the PECO service area; with a supply price of 7.1¢ /kWh (PECO’s Price to Compare is 7.216¢/kWh), you might see some end-of-month savings when you switch to Sperian Energy. In fact, the average Pennsylvania household uses 908 kWh per month. By signing with Sperian, this translates into a yearly savings of $13.25 per year. The savings won’t fund a vacation, but if you’re on a budget, every penny counts.

What are the Plan Terms?

While this plan is available to new Sperian customers only, it’s 12-month fixed rate is still a better deal that than PECO’s rate which changes every 6 months. With summer cooling costs getting closer, signing now means that you will be protected from seasonal ups and downs. You will be charged the same rate per kWh throughout the year, no matter what happens to supply, demand, weather, or any other factors you can’t control. That means no end of the month surprises on your Philadelphia electric bill!

What about termination and fees?

When you compare electric suppliers, pricing policies can sometimes make or break a plan. If, for any reason, you need to cancel your plan, there is a $75 flat termination fee. This flat rate lets you know exactly what to expect should you ever choose to cancel. And, apart from the general state taxes and electricity charges, there’s also a monthly service fee of $4.93.

How do I switch Providers in PECO?

Sperian Energy’s 12-month fixed-rate plan checks all the boxes for an easy, best rate plan for the average Philadelphia household in the PECO service area. You can switch at https://www.paenergyratings.com! Your new supplier will notify PECO that you’ve changed. Just be sure to verify the change when your first bill arrives.

Want to compare more plans and rates? We have an app for that! Check out the PA Energy Ratings apps (on iOS and Android) and get access to all of the PAEnergyRatings.com website features, including daily updated prices, customer ratings, and the latest news!

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