Who Has the Best Upper Darby Electricity Rate?
Locking a long-term electricity plan into place can be stressful. What if you don’t like it? Or, what if there are hidden fees and charges that creep up along the way? Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to make an informed decision and pick the best 24-month Upper Darby electricity plan in the PECO distribution area.
Lowest Price 24-Month Plan
If cost is your bottom line, check out the Santanna Energy Services Premier Pick 24 Month plan. You can secure 24 months of 6.79 cents per kWh service plus no monthly recurring charge. Be aware that there is a $120 early termination fee to be mindful of if you choose to leave the plan early.
Upper Darby Electricity Rate with 90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
If you want to test out an electricity plan without being restricted for the full 24 months, the Constellation 24 Month Green Home Power Plan is a great option. You can secure 24 months of 6.99 cents per kWh with no recurring charges each month. Plus, if you find that this plan is not the right option for you, then you can cancel within 90 days without having to pay the $150 early termination fee.
Fixed Rate, No Monthly Charge Electricity Plan
When you search for a low-cost electricity plan in Upper Darby that has no monthly recurring charge, the TriEagle Energy Eagle 24 plan is ideal. This 2 year long plan locks in that fixed rate of 7.42 cents per kWh. There’s also no annoying monthly recurring charge attached. As with other plans, there is a steep $125 early termination fee to keep in mind if you decide to cancel the plan before the term ends and switch to a new provider.
Low Cost Early Termination Fee Plan
Nobody enters into a new electricity plan thinking about canceling it early. However, if it has to happen, you want to make sure the fees aren’t exorbitant. With the Public Power Electric 24 Month Standard Fixed Rate plan, it isn’t. You’ll snag a 24-month fixed rate for 7.45 cents per kWh and not have to pay a monthly recurring charge. Should you have to cancel your plan early for some reason, you’ll only pay $50.
No Monthly Recurring Charge or Early Termination Fee
If you’re seeking out a 24-month plan with no added charges or fees, look no further than the Verde Energy Guaranteed Choice 24. At 7.79 cents per kWh, there’s no monthly charge and no early termination fee. The price per kWh may be a slight bit higher than the previously mentioned plans. But with no added charges or fees, these competitive features make this plan definitely one to consider.
Shop PA Electricity Rates!
Locking in a 24-month plan secures today’s low price per kWh for the next two years. While that kind of long commitment may come tangled with fees, those plans with limited or lower fees and charges can make all the difference. Before settling on a particular Upper Darby electricity plan, visit https://www.paenergyratings.com/ for more information, including details on the electricity companies and plans as well as consumer reviews.