How Much Money Are My Christmas Lights Costing Me?
Tis the season to be jolly, and for many families that means it’s time to pull out the Christmas decorations as well. According to a 2008 study by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the U.S. consumes roughly 6.6 billion kilowatt hours of electricity for decorative holiday lights each year. That’s more than many developing nations use in an entire year. So just how much are you spending on your electricity bill for holiday lighting each Christmas season, and how can you save?
How much electricity do those Christmas lights use?
The type of lights you use will affect how much your electric bill costs. The cost of an incandescent light can be up to 80-90% greater than that of an LED light. According to Christmas Lights Etc, “a 100-count string of incandescent mini lights runs at 40 watts, while a 70 count of 5mm Wide Angle LEDs is approximately 4.8 watts total.” Using an average price of 11.3 cents per kWh from EnergyStar.gov, they go on to calculate that if you decorate the house with one wreath, one garland, 10 strings of light and two outdoor decorations, incandescent lights may cost you $10.78 compared to only $1.63 for LED lights. For heavy usage, this may go up to $115.26 for incandescent lights or $15.32 for LED. For the family that likes to go all-out on their home, this could see incandescent lights costing your energy bill up to $310.73 compared to only $40.15 for LED.
As you can see, LED lights may be a little more expensive upfront, but in the long run they not only consume 80% less energy but last 25 times longer as well. You can measure your individual usage using the Christmas Lights Electricity Cost Calculator to find out exactly how much your home uses, and how much you could be saving.
How can I cut costs on my energy bill when it comes to Christmas lighting?
There are a few ways you can save on your electric bill this Christmas season. First, make sure your lights have a timer. Few people are going to be out and about looking at lights at 2 or 3 am. Get a timer and sleep tight knowing that your lights will turn off when you want them to and save you money. Another nifty trick is to use extension cords to add length to your displays. Instead of using light strings that consume more energy, plug your lights into an extension cord in less visible areas and save. Make sure your extension cord is the correct length and that it’s not damaged or missing any insulation because that’s how fires start. Consider using a heavier gauge cord if you’re using a lot of power and need to cover a long distance.
Lastly, if you haven’t already, switch to LED lights and see immediate savings on your electric bill. The average price of a string of incandescent mini-lights running for 10 hours a day over two months would cost $69, but simply by switching to LED you could save close to $50 on your PECO bill!
Slash your Christmas electric bills and save with PA Energy Ratings!
Follow these steps cut out any unnecessary spending on your electric bill over the Christmas season while still enjoying the best lighting possible. And if you’re looking for even cheaper rates on your electricity in PECO Pennsylvania, don’t forget you can head over to https://www.paenergyratings.com/electricity-rates to learn more and compare plans right now.