Duquesne Light Company Files New Supply Rates with PA PUC

Competition drives Pittsburgh electricity rates. So if Duquesne Light Co. rates go down, will retail suppliers lower theirs?
Competition drives Pittsburgh electricity rates. So if Duquesne Light Co. rates go down, will retail suppliers lower theirs?

Duquesne Light Co. Files Lower Supply Rates

Duquesne Light Company (DLC) recently filed new supply rates with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) to take effect from December 1, 2020, through May 31, 2021. Though rates for small commercial and industrial customers increased 25%, the new residential supply rate decreased. The new residential rate drops slightly from 5.2428 cents per kWh to  5.1994 cents per kWh.

The current lowest 12-month plan competing with DLC is higher than the local utility’s rate. So, how do electricity companies respond to local utility providers offering lower rates? By competing, of course! That means Pittsburgh area electricity customers could see retail suppliers hustle to offer competitive rates this winter .

New Duquesne Light Co. Residential Rate Comparison

The 12-month Frontier Utilities PA Frontier Secure Power 12 plan is the current lowest rate at 6.49 cents per kWh, compared to the newly filed local utility rate of 5.1994 cents per kWh. The Frontier Utilities plan also has an added monthly recurring charge of $9.95 per month that should be considered when comparing plans and determining bottom-line costs.

How This New Rate May Affect Other Provider Rates

With lower DLC rates, Pittsburgh electricity companies may reconsider their prices to offer lower plan rates. Doing so will attract potential customers and keep current customers with the company. While the local utility must follow certain regulations set by the PA PUC regarding pricing, Pittsburgh electricity companies compete to get the best wholesale deals. In turn, they can usually offer lower-priced plans to the consumer because they purchased the electricity at lower rates.

When new DLC supply rates start on December 1, PA electricity companies may likely respond with similar lower pricing. While it might not be huge, during this Covid-19 economy, every penny matters. Plus, in addition to getting a low rate electricity plan, residential customers should also lock in the rate for a 12-month term or even longer to lower their monthly bills.

Review Plan Options and Electric Company Features

While the new Duquesne Light Company supply rate won’t go into effect until December 1, it’s still a good time to review your electricity plan options. Visit https://www.paenergyratings.com to see what the current electricity rates are and which electricity companies have the best reviews. This way you’ll be ready to sign up for the best electricity plan once you find a great rate.

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