Can I really cut my electric Harrisburg bill doing household chores?
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), fall and winter seasons tend to see morning and evening peaks in electricity as people prepare for the day, warm their houses and do their household chores. That means most people are doing their chores during the more expensive peak hours of the day. The following are five hacks can help you save money on your energy bill when you’re doing chores around your home.
1. Skip the dryer.
The modern convenience of the clothes dryer cannot be denied, but they consume a massive amount of energy. If you’re looking to save money on your energy rates, try forgoing the dryer and hanging your clothes out on the line instead. The average family using a dryer for six hours a week adds up to $104 over the course of a year. If you hung your clothes out even half the time, you would be saving $50 a year on your energy bill. If the weather outside doesn’t permit, you can get cheap drying racks for inside the house that do the same job. Or if you absolutely must use the dryer, at the very least make sure to clean out the lint regularly and use the most appropriate spin setting for the clothes inside.
2. Replace old dryers, washing machines and dishwashers.
If you’re still using an old dryer, washing machine or dishwasher, chances are they’re consuming a lot more energy than a newer model would. When upgrading, look for dryers that have earned the EnergyStar designation. They use approximately 20% less energy than older models, meaning you could save up to $20 a year on your electricity bill compared to the average dryer listed above. Consider upgrading to a gas dryer if possible as well. They may be a little more expensive initially, but according to Energy Star they cost less to operate, so in the long run will save more money on your energy bill than electric dryers. Front loading washing machines also consume less energy than older top loading models, and make sure that the size of your dishwasher also fits your current needs.
3. Switch to brooms and mops.
We all love vacuums and steam mops. They’re efficient. They get the job done quickly and easily. But they’re also costing you money on your electric bill. According to Energy.gov, using the vacuum for just half an hour a day costs just shy of $12 over a year. Switch to a broom or carpet broom when cleaning the floor, and instead of breaking out the steam mop every time you need to thoroughly clean, use a regular mop once in a while instead.
4. Air dry dishes.
Using the dishwasher to dry your dishes every day consumes a lot of energy and increases spending on your electricity bill. For the average family using a dishwasher for an hour and a half each day, that would equate to $21 on your energy bill yearly. But if you wash the dishes in the morning before work, or in the evening before bed, you can cut that time in half. Leave the door open and let your dishes air dry to save that money for more important things instead.
5. Switch to a cheaper electricity provider!
None of these hacks mean anything if you’re paying too much for your energy to begin with! With PA Energy Ratings you can shop for a cheap electricity plan in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania right now and make sure all these money-saving hacks really count.
Hack your household chores in Harrisburg and save with PA Energy Ratings!
Follow these five steps you can save on your electric bills while getting the household chores done. And don’t forget, you can head over to https://www.paenergyratings.com/electricity-rates to learn more and compare plans in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania right now.