Reasons Your PECO Electric Bill May Be High
As we roll into the fall season, you may notice your summer electric bills were higher than expected. As a result, you may have a burning desire to find out why your electricity bills have you hot under the collar. Unfortunately, if your PECO electric bill is high, it may be due to some of the things that you were (or weren’t) doing during the hot summer months. Let’s look at five reasons why your summer electricity bills may have been higher than usual.
1. Your Furnace Air Filters Are Dirty.
Your furnace air filter is what helps your central air conditioner run efficiently. If your air filter is clogged or dirty, it’s not doing the job it’s supposed to do. Therefore, your air conditioner must run longer to move air efficiently. Make sure you replace or clean your air filters every month or two. If you use your air conditioner constantly or you smoke or have shed-prone pets then you may need to change the air filter more often.
2. You Left Your Windows Open and Air Conditioner On.
Some people like to sleep with the fresh air blowing in. It’s okay to enjoy the fresh air. But if you left your air conditioner on, then your electric bill is higher than usual. Just be sure to turn off your air conditioner when you open a window. Otherwise, you may wind up paying for it when your PECO electricity bills arrive.
3. Curtains Were Left Open and the Hot Sun Flowed In.
During the summer, you should close certain blinds and draperies during the heat of the day. Especially if the windows face towards the west and the south. Window coverings can help you reduce any heat build up that occurs when the suns streams through the windows. You can also add energy efficient window coverings to your home to help prevent extra electric bill costs.
4. The Caulking and Weather Stripping Is Rotting.
Another reason why your electricity bills may have been so high this summer could depend on the weather sealant you have on your doors and windows. If the caulking and weather stripping is rotting or nonexistent, hot, humid air seeps into your home. This means your air conditioner must run longer to cool down your home. The more your air conditioner runs, the more money you spend. Take some time to examine your windows and doors to see if you need to add any weather stripping to these areas. Try the dollar test. Close a dollar bill in a door or window. If you can pull it out easily, then there’s probably a draft. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much of a difference this easy fix makes and it helps you save money in the wintertime, too!
5. Electronics Use Is Up During the Summer.
So, summertime means the kids are home from school and adults are taking much needed vacation time. When more people are in the house, more electronics are in use so the electricity bill is going up. If your house is filled with family members and visitors throughout the summertime, you’re likely to experience higher electricity usage during that time. And more electricity usage may equal higher electricity bills.
Choose a New Electric Plan and Save Money
Now that you know what could have caused the summertime surge in your electricity bill costs, stay cool with the knowledge you just gained! Don’t make the same mistakes next summer. If you want to save even more money in the present time, check out other electricity plans in the PECO distribution area. You can get cheap rates on a variety of electric plans with various term lengths.
Visit https://www.paenergyratings.com to start the search for a low rate electricity plan today!