What’s the best recommended electricity rate in West Penn Uniontown?
Energy consumption is expected to continue increasing in the upcoming years, and knowing which plan best meets your needs can be difficult. With so many providers and options, how do you know which one is right for you? Let’s take a look at some of the most recommended energy plans in West Penn Uniontown.
Get the cheapest price in the short term!
If you’re looking for the cheapest price on electricity around, you can’t go past NextEra Energy Services’ NextEra Saver 6 plan. At just 6.3 cents per kWh for those in West Penn, you won’t find anything cheaper, and with the average electricity rate in Uniontown for April costing 14.10 cents per kWh, you’ll be making savings of well over 50% on your energy bill! As a fixed rate plan, you’ll be locking in that low price for the next 6 months, guaranteed, and on top of that, it also comes with a low cancellation fee of just $10 per remaining month left on your contract should you change your mind.
Save money on your electricity bill in the long run with Constellation!
If you’re looking for something a little longer term, TriEagle Energy’s Eagle 36 plan offers the cheapest 36 month plan at only 6.6 cents per kWh for the next three years. With energy prices forecast to continue rising over the next few years, it makes sense to lock in the lowest price around right now and avoid any potential increases, saving you a lot of money in the long run. If average energy bills in Uniontown cost consumers around $109 in April, even assuming no price change over the next three years, you could still save around $2000 on your Uniontown electricity bill over the next 36 months by locking in your low fixed price right now. One thing you should keep in mind is that there is a cancellation fee of $125 if you change your mind before the contract is over. But the savings speak for themselves.
Go green with XOOM Energy!
If you’re looking to go green and save the environment, XOOM Energy offers a SimpleClean 12 plan that costs only 7.6 cents per kWh for the next 12 months. XOOM Energy agrees that 50% of all electricity sold will be matched with renewable energy credits generated from renewable or alternative energy sources in the United States, and is a great option if you’re looking to be a little more environmentally friendly. With a flat cancellation fee of $110 if you wish to leave your contract before its term is up, SimpleClean 12 offers a cheap and affordable way to save on your electricity bill and help the environment.
Save on your energy bill right now!
There are several different plans to supply your energy in West Penn Uniontown, and you can start saving money on your electricity bill right now with the plans above. And don’t forget, you can head over to https://www.paenergyratings.com/electricity-rates at any time to compare our choice with other West Penn Uniontown electric plans.