PA Safety Tips for Winter Storms

Winter is finally coming to Pennsylvania. And with a major winter storm moving across the state, you want to be prepared. Winter storms can cause treacherous driving conditions. But they can also bring dangerously cold temperatures and power failures. Here’s seven tips to help you stay safe this winter.
Tip #1: Stock Up on Supplies for Winter Storms
Because winter storms can last several days, you’ll want to stock up on food supplies and other necessities ahead of the storm. Don’t forget to include things like prescriptions, diapers, and pet food. Also be sure to have enough gasoline for snowblowers and your car.
Tip #2: Prepare Your Home for Winter Storms
Create winter storm kits for your home. If you have wood heat or a generator for your home make sure you have plenty of fuel ready. Because cold weather can also freeze city water lines, be sure to stock up on bottled water before the storm. And since your furnace will run extra long, check that your carbon monoxide detectors are working and have fresh batteries installed.
Tip #3: Dress for the Winter Weather
Always dress for the winter weather. Keep your head and extremities warm and dry. Wearing layers lets you control how warm you are. But be careful to avoid sweating while working outside. Sweat trapped in your clothes can freeze so wear moisture-wicking fabrics to avoid frostbite.
Tip #4: Travel Safely During Winter Storms
Over 70% of winter storm deaths happen in automobiles. Pay attention to road condition announcements and avoid traveling during a winter storm. But if you absolutely have to travel, be prepared. Carry road flares, extra blankets, a tow rope, a shovel, battery jumper cable, sand or kitty litter, and a flashlight with extra batteries.
Tip #5: Getting Stuck While Traveling Winter Roads
If you do get stuck, remember to keep your exhaust pipe clear, and crack a window slightly to let in fresh air. Only run the engine for 10 minutes each hour for heat and to help avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Finally, keep your vehicle visible to rescuers by turning on lights, lighting road flares, or tying a flag to your vehicle.
Tip #6: Heat Your Home Safely
Heating your home safely is important. If you have a natural gas stove or oven, do not use it to heat your home as it will give off dangerous carbon monoxide. Instead, rely space heaters or fireplaces and be sure to keep drapes, bedding or furniture 3 feet away from them. Finally, if you’re using a kerosene heater or fireplace, keep your home well ventilated.
Tip #7: Handling Power Outages
Losing electricity during a winter storm can be scary. During winter power outage, block off unused rooms and gather everyone together in one room in the center of your home. This way you can conserve heat and monitor each for signs of hypothermia and frostbite. Finally, if your home’s temperature falls too low to be safe, move to a community warming center.
Keep Your Winter Electricity Bills Low
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