Reduce Your Electric Bill and Save Money

Although natural gas prices have been high lately and continue to fluctuate, don’t panic! There are ways for you to cut your Harrisburg electric bill on your own. These range from simple, easy-to-do installations to adopting easy energy-smart habits. So, let’s see how you can take more charge over your monthly electricity bills!
Easy Installs To Cut Your Electric Bill
You may not be able to control natural gas prices in general, but you can take certain steps to save electricity — and therefore, money– in your home.
- Use caulk and window sealant to cover up cracks: If you want to keep cold air outside and keep the warm heat in, use a weatherproofing sealant on your doors and windows. This can help reduce your electric bill by keeping the warm air where it’s meant to be and preventing cold air from getting inside.
- Change your air filter on a regular basis: Your air filter not only traps dust and dirt but also keeps it from damaging your HVAC system. If you have a dirty air filter, your HVAC system will run longer to circulate the heated/cooled air in your home and drive up electric bill costs. Therefore, it’s important to change your air filter according to the manufacturer’s specifications — or at least every three months.
- Install a smart thermostat: Leaving your thermostat at one temperature actually costs you more money. Use a smart thermostat to automatically adjust the heating in your home. You can keep costs low by setting up a schedule and making adjustments from your smartphone.
Easy Energy-Smart Habits
- Use LED lightbulbs: Changing your lightbulbs to all LED bulbs can really help save money. In fact, one ENERGY STAR-certified LED lightbulb uses approximately 90% less energy than its incandescent counterpart. This equals about $80 in energy cost savings over the lifetime of the bulb!
- Let the warm sun in: Take advantage of the sun’s natural heat and keep your blinds open during the day so the sun can shine in.
- Turn off computers when not in use: Many people have computers in their homes. If you want to save money on electricity, turn off computers and other electronics when you’re not using them. This will conserve energy and may keep your electric bill lower, too.
- Pay your bill on time: Another easy way to keep electricity bills lower is to pay your bill on time. Added late fees can be costly and will bump up your electricity bill amount. For example, PPL may charge 1.25% on your unpaid balance as a late fee. Therefore, pay your bill on time to eliminate the possibility of late fees.
Low Rate Plan Can Help Cut Electric Bill
Following these tips can help cut your electric bill but shopping low rates can also help prevent you from being burned by high electric bills. If you want to potentially save more money, sign up for a low price Harrisburg electricity plan.
Review all your options via and find the ideal electricity plan to power your home!