Compare the Best Electricity Suppliers in Erie

We analyze, rank, and recommend the best plans from the highest rated providers in Erie.

Average Electricity Rates & Usage in Erie

In November, the average electricity rate in Erie was 17.49¢ per kWh. The average households monthly electricity usage was 727 kWh, making the average bill around $127.

based on EIA Data as of February, 2025

Decreased my bill by $30.-40. Leaves me more money at the end of the month.
  • Linda from Mc Connellstown, Pennsylvania
  • September 15th, 2024
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Other information about electric service in Erie

Erie Water Works

Erie Water Works is in charge of water delivery and sanitation. If you need your water turned on or have an issue with your water, call 814-870-8000 ext 71

Electric Utilities

Electricity distribution and power lines in Erie are managed by Penelec (First Energy) and PPL


Founded in 1795, Erie, Pennsylvania is named after a native tribe of Native Americans that resided on the shores of Lake Erie.Erie currently has an estimated population of over 100,000 people.

Things to Do in Erie

  • Presque Isle State Park
  • Waldameer Water Park
  • Presque Isle Downs Casino & Racetrack

Erie Sports Teams

  • Erie SeaWolves - Baseball
  • Erie BayHawks - Basketball
  • Erie Otters - Ice Hockey

Famous Sons & Daughters

  • Fred Biletnikoff
  • Bruce Baumgartner
  • Ann B. Davis