Compare the Best Electricity Suppliers in Harrisburg

We analyze, rank, and recommend the best plans from the highest rated providers in Harrisburg.

Average Electricity Rates & Usage in Harrisburg

In November, the average electricity rate in Harrisburg was 17.49¢ per kWh. The average households monthly electricity usage was 727 kWh, making the average bill around $127.

based on EIA Data as of February, 2025

  • Jennyca from Scranton, Pennsylvania
  • October 21st, 2024
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Other information about electric service in Harrisburg

Electricity Utility Info

Met-Ed and PPL manage the power lines in Harrisburg

Founding and Facts

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is the capital city of the state of Pennsylvania and settled in 1719. If was formally incorporated in 1791. While the city itself has a population of 49,673, the combined Harrisburg-York-Lebanon area has more than 1.2 million residents.

Things To Do In Harrisburg

  • Pennsylvania Farm Show
  • Motocross Racing
  • Motorama

Harrisburg Trivia

  • Harrisburg is known for the Three Mile Island nuclear incident in 1979.
  • The Pennsylvania Farm Show is the largest free indoor ag expedition in the US.
  • In 2010 Forbes ranked Harrisburg as the second best place to raise a family in America.

Harrisburg Periodicals

  • The Patriot-News
  • Central Penn Business Journal
  • Press and Journal (Pennsylvania)
  • Carlisle Sentinel