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We analyze, rank, and recommend the best plans from the highest rated providers in Lancaster.

Average Natural Gas Rates & Usage in Lancaster

In November, the average natural gas rate in Lancaster was $1.65 per therm. The average households monthly natural gas usage was 124 therms, making the average bill around $153.

based on EIA Data as of February, 2025

  • Jennyca from Scranton, Pennsylvania
  • October 21st, 2024
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Other information about gas service in Lancaster

Electric Utility

All of Lancaster's power lines and electric distribution is handled by PPL. To report an outage, call them at 800-342-5775 or visit

City History

Lancaster, located in South Central Pennsylvania, is one of the oldest inland towns in the US. With a current population of close to 50,000 people, it was founded in 1729.

Random Facts

  • Lancaster hosts more electronic public CCTV outdoor cameras per capita than cities such as Boston or San Francisco
  • The Lancaster Central Market is the oldest continuously operated farmers market in the US
  • The Fulton Opera House is one of the oldest working theaters in the United States

Sports Teams

  • Lancaster Barnstormers - Baseball
  • AFC Lancaster Lions - Men's soccer
  • Lancaster Inferno - Women's soccer

Lancaster Papers

  • LNP, the county's predominant newspaper
  • La Voz Hispana, the city's Spanish-language edition
  • Sunday News, the county's weekly edition

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