PA Electricity Deregulation- The Short Version
In Pennsylvania, people have the option to select an electric service provider of their choice. This might seem like a simple right for most residents of the state, but only a few states in the union have fully deregulated or semi-regulated utility markets. By allowing consumers in Pennsylvania to purchase their energy supply from numerous different Pennsylvania electricity providers, deregulation has caused a positive increase in competition among the many energy suppliers available in the state. It has also led to modern innovations in energy distribution, plus, has also made progress in offering new products and services to the state - All easily accessible and available online to the average electricity customer.
Pennsylvania's deregulated utility market is mostly seen as a win-win situation by residents of the state. Deregulation has provided them with competitive low utility rates. It continues to help improve state growth by bringing in both big and small businesses alike; by offering them competitively low-cost power rates when conducting onsite resident business in the state.
PA Electricity Switch Map
The Following Utility Service Areas are Deregulated and Open to Competitive Switching:
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Deregulation Act of 1996
The State of Pennsylvania is a long-time supporter of electric provider deregulation. An act was passed by the state assembly in 1996 (EGCCCA) allowing consumers the ability to pick and choose their own electricity company.
Once the Pennsylvania electricity market was successfully deregulated by the Electricity Generation Customer Choice and Competition Act of 1996, a similar act was passed in 1999, deregulating natural gas providers in the state as well.
Deregulation opened up the state's marketplace for greener energy plans and production methods. 77% of all Americans say that they worry about the state of the environment. This has lead electricity companies to create a more environmentally friendly energy plan; emphasizing the reduction of everyone's carbon footprints by including renewable resources in consumer's power plan choices, such as dam, wind, and solar energy resources from across the state.
Residents of Pennsylvania also enjoyed better customer service after deregulation; energy companies no longer held a monopoly and stranglehold on the local energy markets. This forced electric providers to also provide excellent customer service, or risk facing angry customers who want to change their service plans over to the company's competition.
Those who speak approvingly of the deregulation of electricity providers in the state of Pennsylvania, are the Pennsylvania Consumer Advocates, the Pennsylvania Manufactures' Association, and the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry. Due to the best electricity rates being consistently offered into the state's competitive market, which then stimulates the state's business and financial growth. It's no wonder that these important state associations see utility deregulation in the state as a big win for everybody concerned.
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PA Energy Ratings Resources:
Therms, CCF and MCF Explained
Pennsylvania Green Energy Requirements
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Types of Pennsylvania Electricity Contracts
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